大会主席Professor Dr Karen Sermon谈ESHRE组织使命与青年医生培养
2024年7月7-10日,第40届欧洲人类生殖与胚胎学学会(ESHRE)年会在荷兰阿姆斯特丹顺利召开。作为生殖医学领域规模最大、最具影响力的年度国际学术会议之一,ESHRE 2024聚集了来自生殖医学、胚胎学、生殖内分泌学、遗传学等多个领域内的专家学者,共同探讨领域内最新研究成果、目前的争议以及未来的发展方向,备受生殖医学领域专家学者的关注。
医说生殖(Trends in ART)平台作为ESHRE 2024特邀官方合作媒体,紧跟会议热点,并在阿姆斯特丹大会现场邀请生殖领域大咖,针对大会前沿热点话题进行了采访和现场报道。会议期间,我们有幸邀请到了大会主席、来自比利时Vrije Universiteit Brussel的Professor Dr Karen Sermon,与大家分享了ESHRE成立40年以来的辉煌与成就,并表达了对青年生殖医生的殷切期望。
1. Would you please introduce the ESHRE for our Chinese Doctor?
2.Could you plesae leave some words for our young Young Reproductive Physicians?
Professor Dr Karen Sermon
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Karen Sermon is professor in Genetics and Embryology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She trained as an MD and received her PhD in medical sciences on preimplantation genetic diagnosis of Tay-Sachs disease at the same university. After her PhD, she became a postdoctoral fellow for the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO) Vlaanderen). During this period, her main interest was on PGD for monogenic diseases, which she helped develop at the Centre for Medical Genetics of the UZ Brussel. She was instrumental in founding the ESHRE PGD Consortium and has contributed to its success for many years as a chair. Later, she became coordinator of ESHRE’s Special Interest Group Reproductive Genetics. Since 2002, her interests have veered towards human embryonic stem cells, and especially those stem cells derived from PGD embryos that carry a monogenic disease and can be used as disease models. Her group have contributed to the stem cell field with several papers in high impact factor journals. She was coordinator of ESHRE’s special interest group Stem Cells. Recently, she also developed a research line in the origin of chromosomal abnormalities in preimplantation embryos. She was appointed coordinator of the ESTEEM study (ESHRE study into the evaluation of oocyte euploidy by microarray analysis - https://www.eshre.eu/Data-collection-and-research/ESTEEM).